Tipping Insights for Nepal Travellers

October 14, 2023

Trekker with a guide in Nepal

How to Show Your Appreciation in Nepal

Nepal, with its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality, has become a popular destination for travellers from around the world. As you plan your journey to our beautiful country, you may find yourself wondering about the etiquette of tipping, which is one of the frequently discussed travel insights. Many guests ask about tipping rules for guides, helpers, and in restaurants. In this article, we will delve into the customs and expectations of tipping in Nepal so you can learn how to show your appreciation and navigate this aspect of your trip with ease and respect for local customs.

Trekking Guides and Helpers

Trekking in Nepal is a quintessential experience for many travelers, and guides and porters play a crucial role in making your adventure safe and enjoyable. Tipping these individuals is a common practice, and it's important to show your appreciation for their hard work and assistance.


Trekking Guide: It's customary to tip your trekking guide around 10-15% of the total cost of your trek. Guides provide valuable information about the region, help plan your route, and ensure your safety throughout the journey.


Helpers/Porters: Helpers often carry heavy loads, making your trek more comfortable. A typical tip for a porter range from $5 to $10 per day, depending on the weight they carry and the duration of your trek.

Hotel and Restaurant Staff

When dining at restaurants or staying at hotels in Nepal, tipping is appreciated but not always mandatory. Service charges may sometimes be included in your bill, but it's still common to leave a small tip as a gesture of gratitude. Here's what to keep in mind:

Restaurants: While it's not mandatory, leaving a 5-10% tip is a courteous way to show your appreciation for good service. If a service charge is not included in the bill, a tip is particularly appreciated.


Hotels: For hotel staff, a tip of about $1 to $2 per day for housekeeping is common. You can also leave a small tip for porters or other staff who assist you during your stay.

Other Helpers

In Nepal, you might encounter various other helpers, such as tour guides, drivers, and temple attendants. Tipping these individuals is also customary, and it's a way to acknowledge their services.

Tour Guides: For tour guides who accompany you on cultural or historical tours, a tip of $10 to $20 per day is appropriate, depending on the length and complexity of the tour.

Drivers: If you hire a driver for transportation, a tip of around $5 to $10 per day is considered fair.

Temple Attendants: When visiting temples and monasteries, you may encounter individuals who offer blessings or assistance. It's polite to offer a small donation or tip in these situations, typically a few dollars.

General Tips on Tipping

Use Local Currency: When tipping in Nepal, it's advisable to use the local currency, Nepalese Rupees (NPR). This ensures that your tip is convenient and easily accessible for the recipient.

Always Show Respect: When handing over a tip, do so with your right hand or both hands as a sign of respect. A smile and a word of thanks in Nepali, such as "Dhanyabad," go a long way in showing your gratitude.


Tipping in Nepal is a thoughtful way to acknowledge the hard work and hospitality of the people who make your trip memorable. While there are customary guidelines, it's important to remember that the most meaningful tips are those given with appreciation and respect for the local culture. By following these tipping practices and showing gratitude for the services you receive, you can contribute positively to your travel experience in Nepal and leave a lasting impression of goodwill.

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